TubeMogul grew from few servers to over two thousands servers and handling over one trillion http requests a month, processed in less than 50ms each. To keep up with the fast growth, the SRE team had to implement an efficient Continuous Delivery infrastructure that allowed to do over 10,000 puppet deployment and 8,500 application deployment in 2014. In this presentation, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the TubeMogul operations engineering team and how they overcome challenges.
Talk from Puppet Camp Paris 2015 by Nicolas Brousse and Julien Fabre, presenting a Continuous Delivery workflow used by the Operations Teams that allowed them to do over 10,000 puppet changes deployment in 2014.
In the past 7 years, TubeMogul has been dealing with various load and technologies to end-up with a platform that manage multi-billions requests a day. During this talk, I will introduce you to TubeMogul business and some key points that helped us growing our product and infrastructure throughthis unique journey.